Thursday, January 20, 2011

When I was a girl...

       My sister, Lorraine, and I love to reminisce. You see, we're only two years, three and a half months apart in age and we always played together as children.
     So? Well, back in the 40's we played...dolls or house, school (Lorraine was always the teacher), jacks (we became pros), jump rope (we knew all the jingles to jump to), clamping skates onto our shoes and roller skating down the sidewalk, paper dolls... Oh yes, paper dolls. We would cut clothes from the old Sears catalog, making sure we cut tabs on the shoulders so they would stay on. Sections of toilet paper made wonderful sheets and blankets for their match box beds. Evenings and Saturday mornings we'd listen to favorite radio programs. We had a wonderful childhood. We shared a double bed and were best friends.
     We had a ritual we repeated to each other every night. We both still remember it word for word.
     "Good night, Anita." 
     "Good night, Lorraine."
     "Don't forget to say your prayers."
     "Okay, I won't, don't you either."
     "Okay, I won't. Good night."
     "Good night."
     But we didn't stay children forever... Lorraine became a teenager first. I remember one day asking if she'd like to play house with me. I'll never forget the look on her face. It was one of not wanting to hurt me but yet not wanting to play...or maybe wanting to play but thinking she was too old... 
     Anyway, that was a defining day in my life. She made new friends and went away to a Christian high school. 
     I was also growing up and changing. Dolls and toys were put away. Friends (including boys), cars (even though I didn't drive until after I was married), music, all became my focus. 
     Then college, marriage, children, etc. took all my time and Lorraine's too. She lived on the west coast, and still does, I live in Michigan. I'm ashamed to say we seldom ever communicated. Oh, once in a while we did.
     Now, we're both getting older, and we love to talk on the phone reminiscing about our childhood, sharing with each other about our daily lives, our mistakes in life, our successes, our hopes and dreams, to brag about our grandchildren, etc. 
     When I was a girl life was simple. We didn't have a lot, money was scarce, but we loved what we had. To go back and share our memories is a favorite pastime today. Thanks for the memories, Lorraine...I love you. 


Anonymous said...

Anita, a GREAT biographical sketch!
Thanks for the memories. I love you, Your big sister, Lorraine

Anonymous said...

This is the last comment from me, I promise. Has this story been read to our mother? She'd love it. Lorraine

Anita said...

No, Lorraine. But you could read it to her...

Gail Slawson said...

I have sweet memories with an older sister too. Thanks for prompting me to stop and think about them again !