Wednesday, December 1, 2010

"I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked"

     About twelve years ago Jerry and I went on an incredible trip to Israel! We had talked about going for years and finally it became reality. Now doing my Christmas decorating has made me recall this trip and wonder, again, at the special feelings we experienced while there.
     I loved seeing shepherds watching their sheep on the hillsides, just like in Bible times. 
     While in Bethlehem we bought a Nativity set made of Olive Wood. It's very special to me.
     But the little town of Bethlehem, itself, was more of a disappointment. You see, the population has grown there, just like here. It's now like a suburb of Jerusalem! 
    There are lots of stories I can write about our time there but there was one day...I'll never forget Jerry...
     We were in Cana, where Jesus performed His first miracle at the wedding. You know the story. But that story really has nothing to do with this story! 
     Jerry and I were walking down a street and marveling that this is actually where Jesus had mingled with the people. 
     Suddenly...Jerry began singing, "I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked." For others this wouldn't have been much, after all, probably lots of folks have sung this song walking through the streets, but for was beautiful. So spontaneous, so beautiful, so special. This was just for Jerry and me. I still get a tingle when I think of it. No, I need to make a was just for the Lord and Jerry and me.


Gail Slawson said...

That's so touching !

pondering something said...

How special! Dad is always surprising me.