Saturday, October 16, 2010

On Being Available

     I was feeling so useless as a Child of God. Yes, I was wife to a great husband and mother to five fabulous kids. We were very active in our church. But I had never led anyone to Christ. Jerry and I had been to Haiti where I had felt needed and used. But here at home I was just me. 
     I began to pray about this feeling of uselessness. Neighborhood Bible studies were springing up all over., I couldn't do that... But the thought kept coming up in my mind. Finally I prayed and asked God if that was what He wanted me to do. The answer seemed to be yes. 
     How would I go about starting one? Who would I invite? What if they all said no? I'm not a forward type person. Why am I even thinking about it? All these thoughts flooded my mind. 
     Finally I prayed and asked God to please make it clear to me, if a neighborhood Bible study was what He wanted of me. He seemed to say yes.
     Okay...but I didn't know most of my neighbors very well. What would they think of me? I didn't want to be considered a religious fanatic. 
     I finally said okay to the Lord. I would go, if He would go with me. Then I made an ultimatum... If even one said no...I would be all done. I can't take rejection.
     I chose a neighbor that I knew was Catholic...she would probably not want to go to a protestant Bible study... So then I could forget it.
     We were enjoying a cup of coffee when I finally got up the nerve to ask if she'd be interested in a neighborhood Bible study. Her answer was, "Oh, I've always wanted to study the Bible with friends of my age and learn what other folks believe. Yes, I'll come!"
     Well, her response gave me courage go on to the next neighbor. She also said yes! In two days I went to 10 of my neighbors and each one said yes! "Okay, Lord, I guess I'm committed now." 
     We met once a week for the entire school year! The different denominations were Episcopalian, Nazarene, Catholic, Baptist, Free Methodist, and Methodist! 
     My new prayer was for Him to be with us. We studied the Gospel of Mark with a study book. It was very rewarding for all of us. We always began with prayer and as we became closer to each other, some began giving prayer requests. 
     What a privilege that was and how close I was to not obeying. It pays to be obedient to the Lord's calling.
     There is more to this story but it'll have to wait for another day and another post. Stay tuned...!


Kate said...

A great story of your courage!! And how enlightening...most of us have those types of thoughts and they do hold us back sometimes but you took one step, then another. Inspiring!!

989cookie said...

remarkable! This is an incredible story.