Thursday, September 2, 2010

Back to the Beginning

Today I'm going way back to the beginning… 1932.

        Corina was visiting her Aunt Pauline and Uncle Tony in Cedar Falls, Iowa. Uncle Larry was also there with his Indian Chief Motorcycle! Well, he invited Corina to go for a ride, and she, being an adventuresome teenager of 17 years, accepted his offer!
       Both Uncle Tony and Uncle Larry worked in the kitchen of the President Hotel in Waterloo. As Larry and Corina were riding Larry decided to stop off at work for some unknown reason. A young man, Glen, was working there at the time.
       "Wow, Larry, where did you find such a beauty? What is she doing with you?" Glen demanded!
       Larry grinned and quickly introduced Corina as his niece.
       It didn't take Glen long to make his move! He and Corina spent some wonderful days together before she returned to La Crosse, Wisconsin to finish her last year of high school. They corresponded that year and got together occasionally. Corina graduated in June. She got a job as a hired girl for a very wealthy, prominate family. She learned many valuable lessons that came into use in the years to come.
       Glen and Corina were so in love. Glen proposed and to his delight and surprise, Corina accepted! On Thanksgiving Day, it was decided this would be the day. Glen began calling pastors in town, but being a holiday few were home. Finally he tried Rev. Mark __, pastor of the Free Methodist Church.
       Yes, he would marry them but they’d better hurry because he was going hunting! Larry, Corina’s uncle and Glen’s co-worker, and Larry’s, friend, Marjorie, stood up with them. So they were married in the parsonage of the Waterloo, Iowa Free Methodist Church on November 30, 1933.
       Life went on, but times were tough, they made a couple of moves, wherever work could be found. Two children were born, Richard Glen in 1934 and Lorraine Roseann in 1936. Then another move was made, back to Waterloo. Their third child, Anita Gail, was born in 1938.
       One day Glen was reading the newspaper, when he suddenly laughed out loud! “Corina,” he said, “Guess who’s singing in a church? My old buddies, JK __ and Oscar __! I can’t believe it! They’ve always sung in bars! In fact, they’d throw a hat down, I’d walk up and toss in a fifty cent piece, as bait! Other folks would then, also, toss in a few coins. Later we’d go to another establishment, they’d give me my half dollar back and we’d repeat the scene! What are they doing singing in a church?” Then he read that the Free Methodist Church was having a revival and his friends were providing special music!
       “Corina, let’s go tonight! I’ve got to find out what’s going on here. The minister who married us was pastor of the Free Methodist Church!”
       That evening they made their way to the church and discovered that Glen's friends had made a life changing decision to follow Jesus! They went to church every evening during that revival, became under conviction by the Holy Spirit, and soon prayed for forgiveness of their sins and accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior! Glen first and then Corina.
                                            To be continued...


Amy said...

I always loved hearing your stories at children's church. Now I find that they are just as good written down.

989cookie said...

so cool!Tthanks for telling this story. I look forward to reading the continuation.