I was in Chaing Mai, Thailand for the second time. We had gone to town to eat supper and shop for souvenirs and were at an outdoor eating place. Many tables and chairs were set up inside a large ring of restaurants. Every kind of food anyone would want was available. I carefully chose what I knew I would eat if I were at home in Michigan: Cashew chicken, spring roll, and soft drink. I'm not an adventuresome eater!
After eating I went with my friend and pastor's wife, Leah, to an Internet store to e-mail Jerry. Standing in line, I began to feel cramps in my abdomen and became light headed.
Leah suggested I go outside for fresh air. She had me sit with my head down. A nurse, Lisa, was among our party, and came over to see what was wrong. By this time I was in such pain and ready to pass out. Lisa called for another chair so I could lie down. Folks began to gather around to see what was happening. Lisa took my pulse, which was very low and slow. Her husband, Dave, realizing the seriousness of my condition, called for folks to gather around and pray. I was vaguely aware of what was happening around me. Then I lost consciousness.
I suddenly felt a warm sensation go from the top of my head down to my feet! I heard voices and opened my eyes. There was a large ring of people, of all ages, all praying out loud for me! I felt fine. Dizziness, light headedness, and cramps were gone! I sat up and Dave prayed again, thanking God for His Touch.
It was decided that I should go back to our resort and rest rather than shopping. I slept better that night than I had our whole time there. The next morning I woke up feeling so good and ready to teach my class of 5th/6th graders.
After breakfast we met for class. I was so eager to begin teaching...but my kids just sat there staring at me! I tried asking them questions, tried to get a discussion going, nothing worked. I finally asked them what was wrong. Was there a problem I wasn't aware of?
Josiah put up his hand and asked, "Are you okay?"
I assured him and the others that I was fine. "I've never felt better," I said.
"But," he blurted out, "You died yesterday! You had no pulse! You died!"
"Oh," I said, "Were you in the crowd circling me and praying?"
"Yes, I prayed for you." The other children in the class were nodding, yes, they, too, had prayed for me.
"Well," I said, "Here I am. I don't know if I died or not, but I do know that God touched me." Then I told them how I felt a warm flush go over my body as I woke up.
What an experience for those kids...to see God at work in a miraculous way. I think this was something they would never forget as they grew up and began questioning life and God, as most folks do at sometime in their lifetime. It was worth it for me to have gone through this, to give my class of 5th & 6th grade kids, an experience of seeing that God is real, He cares, He heals, He loves us.
wow i wish mrs.leah wouldnt of lied but im your your ok
Wow...quite a miracle!
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